Friday, November 13, 2015

1. Have the courage to say no.

2. Have the courgae to face the truth.

3. Do the right thing because it is right. 

These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity."- W. Clement Stone

This quote means that no matter what you should away do the right thing. Never let others pressure you into doing things you dont want. Always say no and be responsible for your actions. Only because those around you are doing those stuff doesnt mean you have to follow into their shoes. Dont let others push you around or tell you whats right from wrong. Be your own person, even if you stand alone it is better to be alone than with a person who is unworthy of them. Be your own example, lead the way for those who dont know what is wrong. Never be shy or scared to speak up for the stuff others do. Dont let others push you around. Be your own kind of person and lead the way.